With Marianne Hill, Richard Martyn and Laura Stoddart

Dates: To be announced.


Saturday 10am – 6pm

Sunday 9.30am – 6pm

Venue: The Green Room, Frome, Somerset

Cost: £295

This highly experiential new workshop offers the opportunity to come and explore what shadow work is all about. You will experience stepping into and exploring different ‘parts’ of yourself, and getting to know and understand these parts more fully. You will explore the four archetypes – The Heart Centred Leader, The Action Taker, The Feeling Body and The Transformer – and experience how these live inside you. You will find yourself immersed in shadow work theory in an experiential way so that you come to understand how it applies to you and your life, and you will be able to take important steps towards healing childhood wounds and stepping more fully into your loving, lovable, confident and powerful adult self. This workshop has a maximum of seven participants. This allows for a high level of individual attention and personally tailored learning.

Please email Marianne to register your interest