Online CPD training in Shadow Work

With Marianne Hill and Richard Martyn

Four evenings from 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Dates to be announced

This highly experiential new CPD training offers the opportunity to learn new and powerful tools that you can take straight back into your practice and start using with clients.

Over the four evenings you will learn how to work in depth with clients’ projections onto others in their life, and how to explore the parts of them that are activated by these situations.

You will learn how to lay out the dynamics that are playing out in the client’s life, so that they are clearly presented for you and the client to observe and discuss. You will also experience bringing care and healing to these dynamics, so that the client can start to see changes in their lives,  and to experience a shift in the challenges they encounter in relating to others.

The techniques taught are simple, but extremely powerful and effective, and have the ability to ‘laser in’ on clients’ issues and to get straight to the root of the problem they are bringing.

The cost for the training is £230. This is payable with a deposit of £120 on booking, and the balance of £110 due on October 1st.

Please email Marianne to register your interest

For details of our full 2 year Healing The Shadow training please visit the training website